Over 1 Day
Attijari Liquidité invests your available cash on a daily basis to generate a steady return through monetary instruments.
Attijari Monétaire Jour's objective is to generate a regular daily return and to offer an optimal liquidity for your cash management.
Over 1 Month
Attijari Trésorerie's investment objective is to generate a stable return to boost your short-term available cash.
Cap Monétaire Première invests in short-term instruments with the objective of outperforming the money market on a monthly basis.
Up to 6 months
Attijari Monétaire Plus aims to outperform the short-term bond market, by favouring credit quality and liquidity.
Your experts
With a recognized expertise in asset and cash management, Wafa Gestion assists multiple corporate investors in the development of investment strategies adapted to their needs and constrains.