Est un indice de référence permettant d’effectuer des comparaisons. Il permet d'évaluer la performance d’un portefeuille ou d’un OPCVM relativement à une référence marché.
Central Depositary
Public limited company charged with a public mission of ensuring to its affiliates the accounting management of the titles and to administer the process of settlement of the operations realized on the financial markets.
Data Sheet
Represents an extract from the prospectus, its purpose is to provide essential information on the UCITS, including its legal form, the management institution, the custodian, the investment guidelines, the management fees.
It is an investment company with variable capital, formed for the management of a portfolio of securities and cash, which issues shares as and when requests for subscription, therefore, any investor who buys his shares becomes a shareholder.
Information note
Which must be submitted before any subscription, gives a precise information on the modes of operation and the characteristics of the UCITS for the investors in order to appreciate the product proposed.
An investment consists of the search through an intermediary of potential underwriters on behalf of an originator in connection with a financial transaction, and the collection of orders to that effect. This research requires a communication approach to arouse the interest of potential subscribers, including by advertising or canvassing.
Faculty of a title to be exchanged easily on the market, on large quantities and without causing an imbalance on the market.
Is a public limited company, only competent to ensure the conservation of the securities connected to it, facilitate its circulation and simplify the administration on behalf of its affiliates (mainly financial intermediaries: banks, finance companies, brokerage firms , Bank Al-Maghrib ...).
Mutual Funds
A co-ownership of securities that has no legal personality. It is managed by a mutual fund management company acting on behalf of unitholders.
Net asset value
Is the unit value of a mutual fund unit or an ICVC share, regardless of the entry or exit fees. It is obtained by dividing the net assets by the number of units.