Attijari Actions
Attijari Actions aims to outperform the moroccan stock market and to ensure capital appreciation over 5 years.
ISIN Code | Classification | Benchmark index |
MA0000036063 | Equity | 100% MASI |
NAV Calculation requency | Recommended investment period | Eligible PEA |
Daily | Over 5 years | Yes |
For who ?
For investors looking for a high expected return over the long term, through a portfolio invested in securities listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange.
Why ?
An optimal investment solution for clients looking for capital appreciation against a controlled risk level on the long term.
An access to the growth potential of the equity market, by favouring the selection and diversification of companies of all capitalisations and economic sectors.
A rigorous portfolio management process backed by Wafa Gestion's recognized financial, technical and economic expertise.
How does it work ?
Wafa Gestion filters and selects, based on in-depth financial analysis, listed companies with good fundamentals and growth prospects.
Wafa Gestion monitors and seeks to anticipate economic events and movements that could impact the equity market and therefore the portfolio.
Market share
Million dirhams under management
Net Asset Value

Return and Risk profile
A numerical scale, graduated from 1 for the lowest risk, to 7 for the highest risk, with the understanding that the lowest risk category (level 1) does not mean "no risk".
Download documents
Attijari Actions Fact Sheet
Attijari Actions Monthly report