Attijari Monétaire Jour

Attijari Monétaire Jour's objective is to generate a regular daily return and to offer an optimal liquidity for your cash management.

ISIN Code Classification Benchmark index
MA0000040339 Money Market 100% TMP
NAV Calculation frequency Recommended investment period
Daily From 1 day
For who ?

For investors seeking to remunerate their excess cash on a very short term pending reinvestment.

Why ?

An optimal short-term investment solution for cash management, putting an emphasis on the stability and availability of the invested capital.

An access to the money market performance, with a focus on the instruments' quality and liquidity.

Daily subscriptions and redemptions without entry nor exit fees.

How does it work ?

Wafa Gestion analyzes the macroeconomic environment and the money market, looking for liquid and attractive instruments.

Wafa Gestion selects securities with a maximum maturity of 3 months according to an internal risk assessment and monitoring process.

Wafa Gestion builds a portfolio that aims to ensure daily liquidity while seeking a return equivalent to that of the money market.


% 0

Market share


Million dirhams under management


Net Asset Value

Return and Risk profile

A numerical scale, graduated from 1, for the lowest risk, to 7 for the highest risk, being specified that the lowest risk category (level 1) does not mean "no risk".