Attijari Fixed Income Distribution
The objective of Attijari Fixed Income Distribution is to invest in various fixed income assets in order to generate income and distribute an annual dividend.
ISIN Code | Classification | Index |
MA0000042129 | Mid-Long Term Fixed Income | 100% MBI Mid-Term |
NAV Calculation frequency | Recommended investment period |
Daily | Over 3 years |
For who ?
For investors seeking a regular income in return for a moderate risk exposure.
For what ?
An investment solution offering an attractive and steady return over the medium to long term.
An optimal bond diversification to multiply performance opportunities while reducing the overall portfolio risk.
Rigorous portfolio and risk management processes leveraging Wafa Gestion's recognized financial, technical, and economic expertise.
How does it work ?
Wafa Gestion analyzes the macroeconomic environment and fixed income market in depth, looking for securities reporting solid fundamentals.
Wafa Gestion filters and selects securities according to coupon, liquidity, credit quality and contribution to the overall diversification of the portfolio.
Wafa Gestion constructs a portfolio that aims to generate income and distribute a regular dividend.
Fund Key Figures
Performance YTD
Millions de dirhams d’encours sous gestion
Valeur Liquidative

Return and Risk profile
A numerical scale, graduated from 1, for the lowest risk, to 7 for the highest risk, being specified that the lowest risk category (level 1) does not mean "no risk".